Enhancing compassion in technology-enabled care: Training and guidance for practitioners supporting autistic children and youth
Amanda Binns
Education Scientist (TIER), University Health Network
Education Development Lead, Clinical Teaching, Centre for Faculty Development
Award: 2024 Compassion and Artificial Intelligence Fellowship
- Autism
- Critical Reflection
- Speech-language pathology
- Support Services
- Technology
Tech-supported therapeutic tools and AI solutions are actively being created with aims of enhancing services, independence and overall well-being for autistic children and youth, often without careful consideration of if the solutions attend to the heterogeneous nature of autism, or align with autistic preferences and needs. To maximize benefits and minimize potential harms (e.g. overgeneralization, prioritising certain types of evidence or promoting neuro-normative outcomes) of tech-supported therapeutic tools in relation to care for autistic children and youth, Amanda’s work will see her co-design, deliver, and test the impact of a training and AI compassionate practice guide.