Funding opportunities

Our funding recipients are shaping Canadian healthcare.
You can join them.

We fund research and work in two areas: compassionate healthcare technology and the history of healthcare. We either provide funding directly or through other organizations.

Funding for work in compassionate healthcare technology

AMS Healthcare Fellowship in Compassion and Artificial Intelligence

Who it's for

Does your work help answer the question, “How can Digital Technology and Artificial Intelligence change the healthcare we provide”?

If you are early to mid-career, have a PhD or a Master’s degree, you can apply to become a Fellow in this field. Study ways to integrate modern technology and compassionate care, so you can shape the delivery of health care services, education of health professionals as well as facilitating the leadership needed to realize the promise of technology. This program required a supervisor and a mentor located at a Canadian institution.

Amount Available

12 one-year fellowships up to $75,000 each

We continue to support fellowships focused on the wellbeing and mental health of healthcare providers, patients and caregivers to address the challenges of living and working through the COVID-19 pandemic. AMS is also interested in receiving fellowship applications focused on preparing for the future of a technology (digital and AI) enabled workforce.

Key application requirements

Step 1 (open to all):

  • A LOI with signatures
  • An abbreviated CV
  • A letter of support from the sponsoring institution

Step 2:

  • Full proposal, by invitation only

When to apply

Applications open in November 1st, 2024.


Administering partner

The Ontario SPOR Support Unit oversees the application process.

AMS Healthcare Small Grants in Compassion and Artificial Intelligence

Who it's for

If you are an early to mid-career health professional, educator, academic or clinician of any health-related discipline (e.g., law, ethics), seize the opportunity to explore and lead transformation by deepening our understanding of the various aspects of compassion through the lens of technology to better ensure that technologies are enabling of healthcare’s compassionate purpose.  Highly qualified individuals (PhD or Master’s degree), can participate in this program is designed to support projects that will generate new knowledge and evidence to advance the education/training of undergraduate, graduate and practising healthcare professionals, and/or support knowledge translation.

For the 2024 call, the focus of the program is being expanded to also include health human resources and the future of technology enabled work as core components to understand compassion, and digital and artificial technology.


Amount Available

8 one-year grants of up to $30,000 each

Key application requirements

  • Full Proposal Submission Template.
  • An abbreviated CV of no more than 5 pages
  • Letters from the sponsoring institution and co-PIs/collaborators

When to apply

Applications open in November 1st, 2024.


Administering partner

The Ontario SPOR Support Unit oversees the application process.

AMS/OMSA Technology and Compassionate Care Medical Student Education Research Grant (MSERG)

Who it's for

If you’re an undergraduate medical student in Ontario, you’re in a unique position to contribute to medical education research. The Compassionate Care MSERG funds medical students who, together with university faculty, conduct research on the impact of technology on medical practice, patient care and the education of physicians. Up to two co-applicants may apply for the same project. You may apply for new projects or projects in progress.

We will endeavour to have one award given to a student project from each of the six Ontario medical schools, provided they meet the eligibility criteria.

Amount Available

$5,000 each for up to six students who focus on technology and compassionate care

Key application requirements

  • An application form
  • A CV
  • A letter of support from the PI

When to apply

This competition reopens in the spring of 2023.


Administering partner

The Ontario Medical Students Association oversees the application process.

Funding for work in
the history of healthcare

Hannah Studentships

Who it's for

If you’re an undergraduate or MA student looking for an opportunity to learn techniques of historical research, consider a Hannah Studentship. It’s designed to encourage your continuing and serious study of medical history.

This grant may be for you if you research the impact of technology on the practice of medicine and the delivery of healthcare services. Your project may form part of an honours or MA thesis, a major research paper, or an elective project. You may receive course credit for the work, but you must be able to complete the work within three months. 

Amount Available

A maximum of $5,500 each to four students for the fall, winter, or summer semester

Key application requirements

  • Application form and transcripts
  • Project abstract and a proposal
  • Supervisor’s assessment and CV
  • Statement of other funding sources
  • Ethics clearance

When to apply



Administering partner

Canadian Society for the History of Medicine

AMS Project Grant

Who it's for

This funding supports small-budget proposals for research projects in the history of healthcare and allied disciplines, such as science and technology studies, sociology, anthropology, and classics. Your project must strive to advance the history of health, healthcare and disease, or the education of health professionals. We’re partial to projects that consider the Canadian context, and these may include requests for seed money to develop research initiatives. Your work should benefit the broader community of practitioners in the field. Successful applicants must produce one or more conference papers or publications/presentations within a year of this grant’s completion.

You may submit more than one application, as long as it’s for a unique (though potentially related) project.

Amount Available

Seven (7) AMS History of Healthcare Project Grants per year of up to $20,000 per grant. The duration of
awards is for one year.

Key application requirements

  • The PI’s CV
  • A summary, list of objectives, a project description, and a work plan
  • A budget and justification
  • Quotes and estimates
  • A bibliography

When to apply

Applications open  January 8, 2025


Administering partner

The Ontario SPOR Support Unit oversees the application process.

AMS Healthcare Postdoctoral Fellowship

Who it's for

This grant is for Canadian citizens or permanent residents who are candidates embarking on full-time post-doctoral studies. It supports emerging scholars as they begin or complete projects featuring the study, analysis, and interpretation of past practices, philosophies, and/or epistemologies related to human health, healthcare, and/or disease or the education of health professionals. If this describes you, add to your experience by conducting research in Canada or abroad with our funding.

Amount Available

Two awards of $45,000 plus a $2,500 research and travel allowance

Key application requirements

  • The PI’s CV
  • A list of objectives, a work plan, and an outline
  • 1-3 letters of support plus the supervisor’s letter of support
  • Supporting documents
  • A bibliography

When to apply

Applications open  January 8, 2025

Administering partner

The Ontario SPOR Support Unit oversees the application process.

AMS Doctoral Research Award

Who it's for

Are you writing a dissertation full-time on a history of healthcare or healthcare topic in the humanities or social sciences? This is broadly defined as the study of past practices and epistemologies related to human health, healthcare, and disease. To be eligible, you must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident with ABD (All But Dissertation) status by the December of the application year, with preference given to those individuals in the final stages of completion (within 2 years of graduation). Applicants who have received a Doctoral Completion Award in the past are not eligible to apply for this award.

Amount Available

Two awards of $25,000 annually

Key application requirements

  • The PI’s CV
  • A list of objectives, a work plan, and an outline
  • Two letters of support
  • Supporting documents
  • A bibliography

When to apply

Applications open  January 8, 2025


Administering partner

The Ontario SPOR Support Unit oversees the application process.

Be inspired by the work of others

There are amazing people working on projects to advance compassion and technology and the history of healthcare in Canada. Maybe you want to join them? Get inspired by checking out some of the people and projects we've funded under each of these streams.
