Co-designing a Fairness Dashboard for clinical applications of Artificial Intelligence in mental health
Laura Sikstrom, PhD
Award: 2022 Compassion and AI Fellowship
- Digital Compassion
- Fairness
- Health Equity
Project Scientist at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
To benefit from major breakthroughs in Artificial Intelligence, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) launched the BrainHealth Databank (BHDB). The BHDB is an AI-enabled digital ecosystem designed to integrate clinical and research data streams. Laura’s project will co-design and embed a Fairness Dashboard – a virtual platform for visual exploratory data analysis of sociodemographic features – into the BHDB. Her specific aims are to: (1) enable routine evaluations of datasets to prevent the amplification of harms (e.g., racial biases); and (2) facilitate the equitable and compassionate interpretation and use of knowledge derived from AI.