AMS Healthcare Fellowship in Compassion and Artificial Intelligence
Does your work help answer the question, “How can Digital Technology and Artificial Intelligence change the healthcare we provide”? If you are early to mid-career, have a PhD or a Master’s degree, you can apply to become a Fellow in this field. Study ways to integrate modern technology and compassionate care, so you can shape…
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AMS/OMSA Technology and Compassionate Care Medical Student Education Research Grant (MSERG)
If you’re an undergraduate medical student in Ontario, you’re in a unique position to contribute to medical education research. The Compassionate Care MSERG funds medical students who, together with university faculty, conduct research on the impact of technology on medical practice, patient care and the education of physicians. Up to two co-applicants may apply for…
Read MoreHannah Studentships
Hannah studentships support undergraduates or MA students who want to learn techniques of historical research. It’s designed to encourage your continuing and serious study of medical history.
Read MoreAMS Project Grant
This funding supports small-budget proposals for research projects in the history of medicine and allied disciplines, such as science and technology studies, sociology, anthropology, and classics. Your project must strive to advance the history of health, healthcare and disease, or the education of health professionals. We’re partial to projects that consider the Canadian context, and…
Read MoreAMS Healthcare Postdoctoral Fellowship
This grant is for Canadian citizens or permanent residents who are candidates embarking on full-time post-doctoral studies. It supports emerging scholars as they begin or complete projects featuring the study, analysis, and interpretation of past practices, philosophies, and/or epistemologies related to human health, healthcare, and/or disease or the education of health professionals. If this describes…
Read MoreAMS Doctoral Research Award
Are you writing a dissertation full-time on a history of medicine or healthcare topic in the humanities or social sciences? This is broadly defined as the study of past practices and epistemologies related to human health, healthcare, and disease. To be eligible, you must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident with ABD status by…
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