AMS announces the release of groundbreaking reports on the future of aging in place

January 27, 2021

In the face of a growing humanitarian crisis in Canada’s long-term care institutions, highlighted through the COVID-19 pandemic, AMS is excited to announce the release of the groundbreaking solutions offered in Open Lab’s reports on “Vertical Aging: The Future of Aging in Place in Urban Canada’.

Two years ago, AMS Healthcare partnered with UHN OpenLab to explore the trend of Canadian seniors increasingly moving to vertical living – urban apartments, condos and co-ops – in order to remain living independently. The project saw AMS-funding support OpenLab efforts to develop products and technology-enabled solutions to support seniors while aging in these vertical communities. That funding has resulted in the 3 high-potential concept models that could shape the future of aging in place presented in the just-released “Vertical Aging” reports.

These models take the decades-old concept of a Naturally Occurring Retirement Community (NORC) – regular residential building that have become home to a high density of older adults- and reimagines them within the context of the tech-driven world of today and the near future. And it does so with due consideration for enabling seniors to age in place with choice and dignity, and without losing sight of what it means to be human.

AMS and UHN OpenLab will be hosting a webinar on Wednesday, February 3rd 12:00 pm- 1:00 pm to launch these reports. All three reports can be found on the AMS website at Vertical Aging: Digital Neighbour Network, Vertical Aging: The Connected Care Hub, Vertical Aging: Social Spaces.


Vertical Aging: The Digital Neighbour Network

In order to remain at home, most seniors will need some type of support to get by. Neighbour-to-Neighbour networks may help fill that gap, especially if located within the same building or neighbourhood.

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Vertical Aging: The Connected Care Hub

Connected Care Hub is a mixed model of service delivery that utilizes both physical and digital supports to help seniors in NORC buildings age in place.

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Vertical Aging: Social Spaces

The design of our physical spaces matters more to psycho-social states of well-being than ever previously imagined. This report aims to understand the stock of rental apartment buildings (in Toronto) that qualify as NORCs.

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